Injured in an Auto Accident?

By far, the most common injury to the neck is a whiplash injury. Whiplash is caused by a sudden movement of the head, either backward, forward, or sideways, that results in the damage to the supporting muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues in the neck and upper back.
Whether from a car accident, sports, or an accident at work, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as injured as you really are. Too often people don't seek treatment following a car accident or sports injury because they don't feel hurt.
Unfortunately, by the time more serious complications develop, some of the damage from the injury may have become permanent. Numerous studies have shown that years after whiplash victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries.
If you have been in a motor vehicle or any other kind of accident, don't assume that you escaped injury if you are not currently in pain.
Whiplash in the Palm Beach
Whiplash is when the soft tissues of the neck are injured by a sudden jerking or "whipping" of the head. This type of motion strains the muscles and ligaments of the neck beyond their normal range of motion.
When a vehicle stops suddenly in a crash or is struck from behind, a seat belt will keep a person's body from being thrown forward. But the head may snap forward, then backward, causing whiplash.
In addition to car accidents, whiplash can be caused by roller coasters and other amusement park rides, sports injuries, or being punched or shaken. (Whiplash is one of the hallmarks of shaken baby syndrome.)
You may feel pain and stiffness in your neck for the first few days following a whiplash injury. Then you feel better, but the pain and stiffness may come back several days later. This symptom can last for months or years without treatment. The discomfort you feel may involve surrounding muscle groups in your head, chest, shoulders, and arms.
Unfortunately, by the time more serious complications develop, some of the damage from the injury may have become permanent. Numerous studies have shown that years after whiplash victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries.
If you have been in a motor vehicle or any other kind of accident, don't assume that you escaped injury if you are not currently in pain.
Neck Pain
Stiff Neck
Back Pain
Chronic pain
Shoulder Pain
General Weakness
Arm Pain
Irritable Mood
Burning Sensation
Hand Numbness
Depressed Mood
Finger Numbness
Toe Numbness
Numbness of Limbs
Numbness of Skin
Numbness of Foot
Call us immediately after an auto accident so that we can see you and assess your symptoms as quickly as possible. : 561-272-2288
Offices Hours
Palm Beach Spinal Care Center
Monday through Friday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday (Must Have Appointment)
10:00 am-1:00 pm